The newest pro-LGBT bill in California
is being challenged for its Orwellian attempt to stifle the gospel message of
deliverance and redemption under the guise of consumer safety.
The controversial measure in question,
Assembly Bill 2943, mirrors attempts in other states to ban so-called “conversion
therapy” for homosexuals. But it also carries
those successful laws to the next logical steps: the pulpit of the church, the
offices of a counselor, and the pages of a book.
A law is already on the books in
California banning counseling for people under 18 with unwanted same-sex
attractions, says attorney Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI). “Now the state of California is even more emboldened,”
he warned recently on the ‘Sandy Rios in the Morning’ show, “as this bill
applies to everyone – all licensed counselors, and even people selling books on
AB 2943, described by proponents as
consumer fraud legislation, is scheduled for a hearing in the Assembly
Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection.
Citing the language of the bill, Dacus said a Christian conference that
includes former homosexuals would be considered an illegal activity, hence
their claims - Christian testimonies - would be considered false and misleading
under California law.
There is no question the new bill uses
consumer fraud to stop free speech, including religious beliefs about sex and
marriage that are considered ‘hate speech’ by some California legislators.
“The California Assembly is
considering a bill that would classify conversion therapy as fraud,” begins a story
by the left-wing Media Matters, which
goes on to rattle off the ‘hate groups’ opposing AB 2943 including: PJI,
Alliance Defending Freedom, and the Family Research Council.
OneNewsNow reported in 2016
that a state senator reluctantly withdrew a bill that would have forced the state’s
private religious colleges and universities to allow open homosexuals or lose
financial aid. Only when minority
students publicly protested the loss of Cal Grant money did Sen. Ricardo Lara withdraw
the bill … vowing to bring it back at a later date to punish religious schools
for their “appalling” discrimination.
In a PJI press release describing this
legal fight, Dacus recalls that PJI challenged a similar bill, SB 1172. That law was upheld by a federal appeals
court that claimed it was limited to minors and a licensed professional.
California legislators have been
warned by licensed professionals that victims of sexual abuse would be barred
from undergoing counseling sessions … citing the testimony of a licensed
psychologist, reported in a mid-March update on AB 2943. If the law passes, victims of sexual abuse
can seek counseling if their abuser is the opposite sex but not the same sex,
the testimony pointed out. “It is very
disturbing,” Dacus said of this new legislation. “It’s controlling the dialogue and the messaging,
not just in the public schools, but the public square in a very alarming way.”
Dacus went on to warn people outside
California that the homosexual activists won’t stop with left-wing legislators
in the Golden State. “If it’s not
stopped in California,” he said, “it’s coming to a state near you.”
Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
(Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel
It's always interesting that the so called separation of church and state only works one way and that way is exactly the opposite way of what our founders intended. While I do not think we should force Christianity on people (that's no different than Islam) people should be free to hear the gospel if they want to. They don't have to listen, but if they want to they should be free to. Truth will always win out in the end and that's what legislators are afraid of.