Wednesday, September 18, 2024

MA Redefines Family Without Moms & Dads

Once again, Massachusetts (MA) is continuing to blaze the way in redefining family.  You may remember that MA was the first state in the nation to legalize same-sex marriage in May 2004.  Eleven years later, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized it for the entire nation.

According to MassResistance, MA has passed the most radical law in the country to eliminate mothers and fathers from birth certificates.  In true Orwellian speak, the law is titled the act to “ensure legal parental authority.”  The new MA law will eliminate the legal terms “mother” and “father” and replace them with the words “person who gave birth” and “other parent,” essentially erasing mothers and fathers from the law.

The legal requirement for a parent on the birth certificate is no longer biology or adoption; it is now “a person’s intent to be a parent.”  For instance, the law replaces the biological term paternity with the legal term parentage.  “Intended” parents are now listed on the birth certificate and are immediately considered the legal parents.

Because same-sex couples are unable to bear children, same-sex couples use other means to have a child, including IUI, IVF, surrogacy, or sperm donors. Since one person of the couple is not the biological parent, the non-biological parent had been legally required to adopt the child.

The LGBTQ+ activists say that’s unfair and insist the adoption process should be abolished for same-sex couples.  So, MA once again bends the knee to the LGBTQ+ and does what they ask, passing this aggressive new law.

Governor Maura Healy (D) says MA is “proud to be a national leader and trailblazer when it comes to LGBTQ+ equality.”

This new law also legalizes commercial surrogacy for pay.  A woman can now get pregnant with a sperm donor and offer her child for sale, most likely to the highest bidder, before a surrogacy agreement is signed.  This law now legalizes baby-selling and treats both women and children as consumer products to be bought and sold.  Surrogacy is now wide open for rampant abuse.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, every single MA Republican in the House and Senate voted in favor of passing this bill.

We’ve already seen the Republican party purge many pro-life positions from its 2024 platform, including opposition to public funding of Planned Parenthood, opposition to embryonic stem cell research, support for a Human Life Amendment, and many other pro-life and pro-family issues.

MA is the “canary in the coal mine” warning of the potential danger of the next move in destroying the family.  Remember, it took just 11 years from MA approving same-sex marriage to it becoming a national law.

With this new parental equality law, MA is opposed to Christian and traditional beliefs about the family. This is the first step in an effort to radically change the law in every state to redefine family in ways that God never intended — following the same-sex marriage path to legalization.  They are coming for your state next.

They will phrase their intent as an “updating” of the laws to reflect the diversity of families.  Don’t be fooled.  It is a demonic attack against the family as God established in the creative covenant of Genesis.

This new law—and laws like it—will divide families and demolish domestic structures that have been the foundation of a civil society for thousands of years.  And this redefining has happened so fast—a little over a decade—it can only be demonic activity.

State Rep Hannah Kane a Republican and co-sponsor of the new law said, “there are many paths to parenthood and the bill “supports children.”  But does it?

As the mother of an adopted child, Belinda Brewster has seen up close the questions and uncertainties many adopted children face, wondering who they are biologically.  Where did they come from?  Who do they look like?  Do they have siblings?  Who are their “real” parents?

Research shows that children conceived through sperm donation are more likely to struggle with depression, are more confused, and feel more isolated from their families than adopted children and children raised by their biological parents.  Sperm donor children also worry about dating someone they could be related to or wondering if their real father is standing in front of them.  Nearly 60,000 children are conceived each year through sperm donation.  Almost half of donor offspring and more than half of adoptees admit, “it is better to adopt than to use sperm or eggs to have a child.”

Is the powerful LGBTQ+ lobby listening to these hurting voices?

Every child has a biological mother and a father … and they know it.  Donor children say to be told that the sperm donor should be of no importance to them hurts, and it’s a painful loss not to know them.

In addition to sperm donors, there are also egg donors for women who want to be pregnant but can’t use their own eggs, gestational hosts with no genetic connection to the baby, and the myriad of other ways modern technology allows people to have babies.

For example, you could have an egg donor, a sperm donor, a gestational host, and the “intended parents” all connected to this child … but whose child are they?  Perhaps that’s why MAs’ new law states that a child can have “more than two parents if it’s in the best interest of the child.”

Imagine the confusion the next generation of children will endure as they have to manage this unholy maze of who their parents are.  We know who the father of chaos and confusion is.

Nothing about this new Parentage Equality Act is in the best interests of the child … and certainly NOT God’s plan for His children.


Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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