Monday, September 23, 2024

With So Much at Stake in 2024, Christians MUST Vote November 5

While former President Donald Trump’s recent comments on the life issue have brought concern to many pro-life leaders, it remains important to recall the totality of what is at stake in the 2024 election.

Of the five Republican presidents elected after the infamous Roe v. Wade (1973) decision legalizing the abortion of children throughout the entire pregnancy, Donald Trump is the only one who secured the appointment of enough United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) justices to reverse Roe: Associate Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. President Trump appointed a total of 231 judges to federal courts (District, Appeals and the SCOTUS).

The SCOTUS decided 5-1-3 in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022) that the “right” to an abortion is neither a fundamental right recognized by the Constitution, nor part of America’s national history and traditions.  The high court’s reversal of Roe returned the legality of abortion to the states as it had been before Roe was decided.

Abortion State Referenda in 2022-2024

The Dobbs decision apparently galvanized pro-abortion advocates, who won all of the state ballot referenda in 2022 that instituted pro-abortion constitutional amendments for CA, MI, VT, KY, KS, and MT, as well as OH in 2023.  Two pro-abortion candidates for state Supreme Courts won in 2023 in WI and PA with support for abortion as the deciding factor.  Pro-life organizations lost all nine state referenda on abortion even in politically conservative states.  In May, however, a pro-life Republican judicial candidate in GA beat the pro-abortion candidate, a former 10-year Democrat congressman, who had Planned Parenthood’s support.

Abortion referenda are on the 2024 ballots in 10 states: the swing states of AZ and NV, the solid blue-leaning states of MD, CO, and NY, and the red-leaning states of FL, MO, MT, NE, and SD.  In June, Planned Parenthood announced it will spend $40 million ahead of November’s election to help elect Democrats in AZ, GA, PA, WI, and NC.

Political commentator Victor Davis Hanson said in August that Democrats “have nominated two neo-Marxists who are openly proud of what they have done.” Steve Forbes noted that the Harris-Walz team is promoting “the most radical leftist Stalinist policies in American history.”

The Communist Party USA, which has the identical abortion policies of Harris-Walz including providing taxpayer-funded abortions, noted:

“The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade casts a shadow over the country … Our own party has rightfully joined the chorus in condemnation of the Supreme Court’s decision … The October Revolution gave birth to the first successful socialist experiment. … In 1920 the Soviet Union became the first country in the world to legalize abortion on request.  The People’s Commissariats of Health and of Justice passed a decree, noting that the procedure was to be ‘made freely and without any charge …’”

Freedom of Speech, Press, and Assembly

The First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech and petitioning government for redress of grievances is the foundation of the entire Bill of Rights!  At the Faith and Freedom Coalition Rally in June, President Trump promised to pardon the peaceful, pro-life picketers imprisoned by the Biden-Harris justice department.

Governor Walz (D-MN) stated recently, “There is no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.”  But in Matal v. Tam (2017) the SCOTUS ruled (9-0) that “we protect the freedom to express ‘the thought that we hate.’”  For Harris-Walz, hate speech or misinformation is any speech they disagree with.  During the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, Harris urged Twitter to shut down Trump’s account: “Donald Trump, who has 65 million Twitter followers … he and his account should be taken down.”

As CA’s attorney general, Harris “co-sponsored” a 2015 bill compelling California pro-life pregnancy centers to distribute abortion facility information to their clients (AB 775, the Reproductive FACT Act). Fortunately, the SCOTUS ruled that the bill violated the First Amendment (NIFLA v. Becerra, AG of California, 138 S.Ct. 2361).

In September 2024, a federal district court in LA decided in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. v. Joseph R. Biden that the Biden-Harris administration illegally censored Kennedy, who opposed the Biden-Harris COVID-19 policy: “The Court finds that Kennedy is likely to succeed on his claim that suppression of content posted was caused by actions of Government Defendants … there is a substantial risk that he will suffer similar injury in the near future.”

Freedom of Religion and Conscience

As CA’s attorney general, Harris filed a brief asserting that Hobby Lobby’s owners had no religious liberty or conscience rights and should be compelled to supply abortion drugs to employees.  The SCOTUS disagreed in 2014 (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. 682).

In 2018, Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Maise Hirono (D-HI) opposed President Trump’s judicial nominees Brian Buescher, Paul Matey, and Peter Phipps, claiming they could not be impartial because they belonged to the Catholic fraternal organization Knights of Columbus, which opposes abortion and same-sex marriage.  The Harris-Hirono “religious test” violates Article VI, Clause 3 of the Constitution; “[N]o religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust.”  The Senate confirmed Trump’s nominees despite the Democratic senators’ anti-Catholic bigotry.

Harris introduced the “Do No Harm Act” (S. 2918) in 2018 to stop churches from relying on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which the SCOTUS has ruled exempts religious organizations from being required to support abortion, LGBTQ+ ideology, and other polices against their religion. Fortunately, S. 2918 failed.

The Biden-Harris Equality Act (HR 5 from 2021) compels Christians and Christian institutions to accept behavior condemned by Scripture or pay huge fines.  It prohibits federally chartered banks from loaning money to non-compliant churches and allows up to $500,000 in fines for not “celebrating” same-sex marriages.  Churches and schools would lose tax-exempt status and school certification unless they promoted LGBTQ+ policies.  (HR 5 has failed so far.)

Gov. Tim Walz mandated that education administrators and public and private school teachers certified by the state who do not accept or affirm a student’s transgender identity and sexual orientation will not receive a teaching license per the latest version of the regulations.

Right to Life and Reproductive Ethics

The Planned Parenthood Votes super PAC stated that it “is working to ensure Kamala Harris and Tim Walz make it to the White House.”  Planned Parenthood sent a mobile clinic to the Chicago Democratic Convention, offering attendees free abortions and vasectomies.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) boasted that Harris was the “first vice president in history to visit an abortion clinic.”  What colossal hubris and utter disregard for babies!

Senator Harris introduced S.510 (2017) to forbid states from requiring that only doctors do abortions, and to make it illegal to delay abortions or increase costs (think of informed consent, parental consent, 24-hour waiting periods, health/safety regulations, and banning taxpayer-funded abortions).

On CBS’s “Face the Nation” in September 2023, Harris was asked, “At what week of pregnancy should abortion access be cut off?”  Harris answered, “We need to restore … Roe v. Wade.”  In February 2019, The Daily Caller asked Senator Harris if there was any point in pregnancy at which she thought abortion was immoral.  She said, “I think it’s up to a woman to make that decision, and I will always stand by that.”

Tim Walz told the Democratic Convention, “[T]he government stays the hell out of your bedroom.”  But Walz justified China’s forced late-term abortion, infanticide, sterilization and IUD policy.  Walz claimed it was necessary because, “the Chinese population was so large.”  Steven Mosher of the Population Research Institute) states that “hundreds of millions of Chinese women didn’t just pay a tax. … Their babies were ripped out of their wombs by cesarean section by Red doctors who went on to sever the fallopian tubes of those who violated the one-child policy.”  So much for Walz’s “choice” or government staying out of the bedroom.

Walz signed HF 1 in 2023, stating that, “Every individual has a fundamental right to make autonomous decisions about the individual’s own reproductive health, including the fundamental right to use or refuse reproductive health care.”  Walz’s law includes teen minors.  Reproductive care includes transgender drugs/surgery.  The MN Senate voted 34 to 33, and MN’s House voted 69 to 65 to pass HF 1.

Senator Harris, in an interview with The Root in 2019, was asked whether she thought sex work “ought to be decriminalized.”  “I do,” Harris responded.

The 2024 Democratic Platform states, “With a Democratic Congress, we will pass national legislation to make Roe the law of the land again. … We will repeal the Hyde Amendment [which bans taxpayer-funded abortions].”  Harris-Walz will force all Americans to fund abortion in every state.

The Human Rights Campaign states, “The Biden-Harris Administration has been the most pro-LGBTQ+ administration in history … [and has] appointed a record number of LGBTQ+ … to key posts … including the first gay cabinet secretary, first Senate-confirmed transgender appointee, and historic federal judges. … [W]e must stop Donald Trump.”

Second Amendment

In 2019, presidential candidate Harris said, “I support a mandatory gun buyback program.”  That is confiscation.  Law abiding citizens would lose their means of self-defense.  What policies do they intend to impose that warrant ending the inalienable right of self-defense?  In 2008, Harris filed a court brief asserting that the Second Amendment (2A) allows a total handgun ban, and that 2A applies only to the militia.  The SCOTUS ruled firearm ownership is an individual right (District of Columbia v. Heller, 2008; McDonald v. Chicago, 2010); and that it is a self-defense right to carry outside the home (New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, 2022).

In a 2023 poll, Gallup asked Americans if handgun possession should be banned, except for police or authorized persons.  It found that “just 27% of U.S. adults believe that no one outside of police or other authorized persons should be able to possess a handgun.”  Still, Harris-Walz pushes a radical anti-self-defense agenda.

Select Pro-Life, Pro-Family Actions of the Trump Administration

2017: The Trump Administration ended Obama’s funding for international organizations that carry out or promote abortions, Obama’s policy requiring public schools to allow transgender students to use restrooms and showers of their choice, and Obama’s Department of Defense transgender policy.

2018: Trump ended Obama’s abortion policy that restricted states’ ability to stop abortion funding under Medicaid and Child Health Insurance Program, prevented those who identify as transgender from joining the military going forward, issued an executive order to release American Christian pastor Andrew Brunson who was jailed in Turkey, terminated a $15,900 Health & Human Services (HHS) contract for securing fetal tissue from abortion for “research,” and exempted groups with religious or moral objections from being forced to purchase health insurance with birth control or abortion coverage.

2019: President Trump informed Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) he would veto any bills that weakened current pro-life policies or legislation and prevented Title X family planning grantees from referring or carrying out abortions.

2020: Under Trump, HHS authorized Texas to operate its Medicaid program without paying for abortion, the DOJ filed a statement of interest on behalf of a VA church which received a criminal COVID-19 violation by Governor Ralph Northam (VA-D) for holding a 16-person service, an HHS final rule clarified that in the Affordable Care Act “discrimination based on sex” did not include “gender identity” or “termination of pregnancy,” and that the federal government would not compel doctors to do abortions or gender reassignment surgery, and withheld $200 million in Medicaid funds from CA for its abortion insurance policy requirements.

2021: An HHS final rule eliminated requirements that all grant recipients including faith-based foster care and adoption providers must accept same-sex marriage and profess gender identity policies to receive federal grants.

Republican Platform

The 2024 Republican Platform opposes late-term abortion and defends the religious liberty of businesses, hospitals, churches, and individuals from supporting or carrying out abortion.  It recognizes parental authority over children, prohibits taxpayer-funded gender transition procedures (drugs/surgery) of minors, protects students’ religious freedom, and the right to pray and read the Bible in schools, and keeps men out of women’s sports.  It opposes federal funding of schools for critical race theory or radical gender ideology classes. Harris-Walz and the Democratic Platform oppose these policies.

November 5 Voting

This race is very close.  Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who recently endorsed Donald Trump, is attempting to remove his name from the ballots in 10 “swing states.” Although Democrats tried to keep Kennedy off the ballot to protect President Biden, they are now working to keep him on the ballot to undermine Trump in some states!

If neither Trump nor Harris receive the necessary 270 electoral votes to win, the House of Representatives would vote by state to pick the president (26 to win). Each senator would cast a single vote for vice president (51 to win).  This happened in 1800 and 1824.  Therefore, the majority party emerging from the 2024 election could choose the president and vice president in January 2025.


If enough pro-life Americans decline to vote, and Harris-Walz wins along with their Democratic down-ticket colleagues, the Republicans will likely lose the majority in Congress.  With so much at stake, how can anyone justify not voting?


Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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