Monday, September 23, 2013

With Liberty & Justice for All … Except Christians

You may say that there is no discrimination against Christians in United States or casually dismiss it because Christians need no protection in America … because this is allegedly a Christian nation and the overwhelming majority of Americans are Christian.  But there is plenty of such discrimination.  (read many of my former blog postings)  Our nation’s laws don't say that everyone except for members of majority groups is entitled to equal protection under the law.  They don't forbid discrimination against only members of minority groups.
There is no question that our liberal secular culture frequently targets Christians and Christian practices for discriminatory treatment and rails against the expression of Christianity by public officials or the presence of Christian symbols in the public square … whether that be banning of Christmas trees in public squares, the censorship of high-school valedictory speeches with references to Jesus Christ, the denial of access to public facilities to certain Christian groups, or the forbidding of the voluntary exchange of Christmas cards in some public school classrooms.  Some even make the outlandishly argument that the U.S. Constitution forbids public officials from permitting their Christian beliefs to inform their policy positions.  Many of these discriminatory acts are not grounded in the law … as evidenced by the many highly competent public interest law firms specializing in religious liberty that do a great job of vindicating Christian liberties.  Despite the law, discrimination against Christian liberties persists.
According to David Limbaugh, the prevalence of political correctness fosters a climate of intimidation and also causes many to assume Christians have less liberty than they do.  For example, many assume high-school administrators are within their rights to prohibit Christian references in valedictory speeches on the ground that they violate the ‘establishment clause’ of the Constitution.  “It apparently never occurs to them that when a student refers to Jesus Christ, he is merely exercising his religious liberty under the ‘free exercise clause’ of the Constitution or a similar provision of a state constitution.  Though both of those clauses in the 1st Amendment exist to protect religious liberty, the government's practice, as shown by these public school actions, is often to stifle religious liberty in the phony name of protecting it,” says Limbaugh. Limbaugh goes on to say, “A similar misunderstanding is behind a Millington, TN elementary teacher's forbidding her 10-year-old student from choosing God as her subject in an assignment to write about the student's ‘idol.’”
Todd Starnes of FoxNews reported that the student, Erin Shead, told her mother that her teacher wouldn't allow her to use God because it had something to do with religion and that she had to take her paper about God home because it could not remain on school property.  Note that the teacher didn't forbid the student's choice of God on the grounds that God is not a person and thus outside the scope of the assignment.  No, the ban was apparently on ‘church/state’ grounds.  A spokesman for the school district, according to Starnes, said, “Teachers are prohibited from promoting religious beliefs in the classroom.”  To which Limbaugh responds – “Fine, but what does that have to do with the incident at hand?  This was a student, not her teacher, discussing God.”
Our culture has become so paranoid about the expression of Christianity in government-owned facilities that some teachers obviously believe that they must forbid their students from voluntarily writing about the God of the Bible in a harmless school assignment.  Limbaugh concludes by asking – “Can someone please explain how the student's unprompted selection of God as a subject for her assignment violates the Constitution's prohibition against establishing a national church?”
It is a sad commentary that militant anti-Christian secularists have bullied passive, lukewarm Christians in our society into surrendering their fundamental religious liberties in so many cases.  Whether the upset parties prevail in correcting this action in Tennessee, the fact remains that Christians' apathy and spinelessness are responsible for allowing such tyranny against their own religious liberties – liberties whose protection was at the very forefront of the foundation of this nation.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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