Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Liberal Progressives Waging War on Christians … with the Weapons of Intimidation and Coercion

Former Congressman Allen West has said, “Liberal progressives like to say there is a ‘War on Women’ but there is a real war in America the Left is waging – which is a ‘War on Christians’ and the Judeo-Christian faith heritage of America.”
Many fall upon the phrase “separation of church and state,” yet they cannot refer to that premise as established in any of our founding documents – the Declaration of Independence or U.S. Constitution. It’s not even mentioned in the Federalist Papers … which formed the philosophical basis for our ‘Constitutional Republic.’  The concept of “separation of church and state” was presented in a private letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury (CT) Baptist Convention.  The letter advanced the 1st Amendment right of “freedom of religion” and the “free exercise … thereof.”  However, over time, liberal progressive socialists have used “separation of church and state” to separate America from its faith heritage in their march towards the creation of a secular humanist state.
Here is the latest example of such insanity by the Left, coming from Brawley CA.  According to Fox News, the Brawley Union School District said the references to Jesus and prayer in student Brooks Hamby’s graduation speech were “inappropriate” and violated “prevailing legal standards.”  School officials rejected three versions of the young man’s graduation address, and one administrator went so far as to redact every religious reference with a black marker.
The response from the school district read, “The first and second draft speeches proposed oppose government case law and are a violation of the Constitution.  The district is advising you that reference to religious content is inappropriate and that the two drafts provided will not be allowed.”  In other words, this young man doesn’t possess the 1st Amendment right to his “free exercise of religion.”
What hypocrisy from the liberal progressives!  What is happening in America?
This 18-year-old Christian, who is Stanford University bound, did what any red-blooded, Constitution-loving American would do – he defied school officials and thanked God anyway.  “I didn’t want to compromise my faith,” Brooks said.  “I wasn’t interested in removing every trace of God or Jesus.  I wasn’t interested in conforming to those demands.  I did not want to compromise my values.  I didn’t want to water down the message.”
The first draft of his speech was written in the form of a prayer. “Heavenly Father, in all times, let us always be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven us.” Brooks was called to the front office, where he was advised by a counselor that the speech had been rejected.  So he began writing a second draft that he turned in later that day.  That draft referenced the school’s censorship of his original speech.  “Certain interpretations of the law, school policies and conditions have stifled my ability to speak freely to you this evening and prohibited me from doing otherwise,” he wrote. “However, if I could pray with you this evening, I would say something along these lines.”
Just hours before graduation, Brooks and his parents were summoned to a meeting with the principal.  The Hambys were given a notice from the district advising them that if their son “interjects religious content, the sound will be cut off, and a disclaimer to the entire audience must be made explaining the district’s position.”  The District Superintendent rejected Brooks’ third draft, time was running down — and so what did the young man do?  Here are his words:
“In simply coming before you today, I presented three drafts of my speech – all of them denied on account of my desire to share my personal thoughts and inspiration to you in my Christian faith,” he told his fellow graduates in the fourth version of his speech.  “In life, you will be told no.  In life, you will be asked to do things that you have no desire to do.  In life, you will be asked to do things that violate your conscience and your desire to do what is right.” “May the God of the Bible bless each and every one of you every day in the rest of your lives,” he said.
In a day when Brooks’ faith was challenged, he stood.  He set an example for others to follow.  The question is, will you?  Or will you allow the intimidation and coercion of liberal progressives to rule the day, as opposed to the liberty and freedom granted to us by the rule of law?
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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