Friday, June 27, 2014

Many Public Schools: Failing to Teach the 3Rs, but Succeeding in Blocking the 3Fs (Freedom-Family-Faith)

Eighteen year old Andrew Lampart, a member of his high school debate team, told Fox News, “I knew it was important to get facts for both sides of the case.”  But when he tried to use his school’s internet service to research conservative views, he was prevented at every turn.
After being blocked from websites supporting Americans’ constitutional right to bear arms as stated in the 2nd Amendment, Andrew Lampart soon learned his school’s computers prohibited him from viewing any website or information that wasn’t liberal in nature.  The National Rifle Association website was blocked.  The National Republican Party website was blocked.  The National Right to Life website was blocked. Various pro-traditional marriage websites were blocked.  The Vatican website was blocked.
But here’s what wasn’t blocked in Lampert’s continued internet search: pro-gun-control websites, the National Democratic Party website, the Planned Parenthood website, a Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender (LGBT) website and an Islamic website.
Lampert took his grievance up the chain-of-command at his Connecticut high school – first to the principal, then to the superintendent, and finally to the school board.
Nearly 2-months after the incident, Lampert’s only official response has come through the superintendent, who wrote a letter about the issue to parents and citizens in their community because news of the liberal bent was spreading like wildfire.  She blamed Lampbert’s conservative education prohibition on the school’s internet filtering … which she said is intended to “protect minors from potentially harmful or inappropriate content” (for example, “violence/hate/racism, cults/the occult, to name a few).  The superintendent was puzzled, however, that “many of the liberal sites accessible to the student fell into the ‘not rated’ category, which was unblocked while many of the conservative sites were in the ‘political/advocacy group’ which is accessible to teachers but not to students.”
Really!?  Are you surprised?  Is there any mystery here?  The problem is not the software, but those programming it.  As long as you have liberal-minded architects across the spectrum – who only want to steer kids in their own particular secular and progressive direction – changing internet filters all day long isn’t going to change the educational outcome; students will continue to be prohibited from conservative education.
Website accessibility is no different from choosing textbooks or instructors in classes.  If liberals are in control, the progressive agenda will be the educational learning objective.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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