Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Can You Say: LGBT Indoctrination? Kindergarteners Can!

Beginning as young as kindergarten, public school students in the state of Washington will be taught about “transgenderism” effective in the fall 2017 semester.

New LGBT-friendly changes to the Evergreen State’s health education learning standards have been applied so that instruction on “gender expression” will be mandatory for teachers to administer in their classrooms to students, according to the Daily Caller.

As early as 5-years, children enrolled in public schools will be taught to “Understand [that] there are many ways to express gender” — as part of the mandatory so-called “Self-Identify” sexual health curriculum.  The educational materials will instruct students that gender is no longer determined by a person’s biological characteristics at birth.  In fact, teachers will inform children through the curriculum that gender expression is now subjective to individual preference — and not limited to one’s actual sex.

Such teachings about sexuality will begin in kindergarten, and then progress through students’ public school education to achieve higher levels of “understanding” about gender-confused individuals and others who practice sexually deviant behavior.  Once a student is in 3rd grade, he or she will be required to “Explain that gender roles can vary considerably” — now that dozens of gender types are recognized and promoted by the Obama Administration … which worked to federalize public school curricula through the implementation of its controversial Common Core.

Further pushing of the indoctrination demanded by the proliferating “LGBT rights” across America, public schools within the state will also force 3rd graders to recognize and “understand [the] importance of treating others with respect regarding [their] gender identity.”

Redefining the sexes falls in line with President Obama’s homosexual agenda that resulted in the U.S. Supreme Court redefining marriage to legalize same-sex “marriage” — so that the union is no longer solely recognized as being between one man and one woman.  Now the state of Washington is redefining gender.

According to the Northwest state’s health education glossary, gender is now officially defined as something that is based on a number of confusing contingencies.  “Gender – A social construct based on emotional, behavioral, and cultural characteristics attached to a person’s assigned biological sex,” reads the Washington state’s newly revised glossary.

In order to blur the lines even further between boys and girls — and between men and women — the public education system in the state seeks to make sure that students take a number of factors under consideration when attempting to pigeonhole another’s “true” or desired gender.  The state’s health education learning standards attempts to do this though offering another definition: “Gender expression – The way someone outwardly expresses their gender.”

Even though changes have already been made to the state standards as public education officials are preparing to roll out the new curricula, a press release has not yet been issued by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to alert concerned parents throughout the state of Washington about what their children will be subjected to within a year’s time.  Students’ objection to the new teachings … as well as parental consent … were not addressed by the OSPI as it moves forward to implement its new sex education curriculum next year.  When pressed, the OSPI conceded that it has not yet determined what would be done if students with sincerely held beliefs opposing the teachings object to completing assignments required under the new curriculum on sexuality.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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