Monday, June 27, 2016

U.S. Armed Forces Decimated Without Firing a Shot

Defense Secretary, Ash Carter, wants to open the door for more “lateral entry” into the U.S. Armed Forces’ upper ranks … clearing the way for civilians with critical skills and strong resumes to enter commissioned officers as high as the O-6 paygrade (Army/Air Force/Marine Colonels and Navy Captains).

To say the very least the idea is controversial.  For many in the military’s rank-and-file it seems absurd … a bewildering cultural change that threatens to upset many assumptions about military life and traditional career paths.  But while it’s not universally embraced, there is interest in Congress and among some of the military’s uniformed leaders.

This is a key piece of Carter’s “Force of the Future” personnel reform unveiled June 9.  It aims to help the military bring in more top talent … especially for high-tech career fields focused on cyber warfare and space.  Advocates say it will help the military fill important manpower shortfalls with highly skilled professionals; and, more broadly, create greater “permeability” between the active-duty military and the civilian sector.

Critics suggest that this will erode the military’s tradition of growing its own leaders and cultivating a force with a distinct culture and tight social fabric … which many believe to be the heart of military effectiveness.  Critics worry it will create a new sub-caste of military service members who are fundamentally disconnected from the traditional career force.

“They will enter a culture they don’t know, understand or potentially appreciate,” said Dakota Wood, a retired Marine officer and military expert at the Heritage Foundation.  “The Marines around them will likely be challenged to appreciate them as they would a fellow Marine.”

If approved by Congress, the individual military services would be authorized — but not required — to expand lateral entry up to the rank of O-6.

Count me among the critics.  I served in the Army for 25-years, and it took me the first 20-years to come into the zone to achieve Colonel.  I retired (without requesting to extend) so that those below my paygrade could advance … because there are only so many O-6 authorizations.  This will be a devastating blow to the morale of those who have committed 20+years in military service and are worthy of promotion.  No surprise that members of Congress would consider this … because so few of them ever served in our armed forces.  Furthermore, no surprise that this proposal comes from an Administration that provoked the early retirement of many, many outstanding senior leaders who dared to challenge the Administration’s determination to use the military as a petri dish for social experimentation.  To date, the shortfall in critical skills has been found in the civilian community by securing defense contracts.  If defense contracting is not providing the desired outcomes, then revise contracting (where it is broken) … rather than decimating our military!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

1 comment:

  1. Hoo-Rah Colonel, or to use a Navy term, Bravo Zulu. This administration is doing its best to destroy our military by every means possible and the Congress does nothing about it. These acts are borderline treasonous! Now they want to include "trans-gendered" for military service. Soon we will no longer have an effective fighting force.
