Friday, December 2, 2016

HGTV Stars Under Fire for Their Faith

One of my wife’s favorite TV channels is HGTV.  And one of the many shows featured on this network is ‘Fixer Upper’ … with hosts Chip and Joanna Gaines of Waco, Texas.  The Gaines are devout Christians.  Viewers can see how their faith flavors not only their television program – but also their family life.  But not everyone appreciates those Christian beliefs – especially the militant LGBT crowd.

The Mainstream Media and militant LGBT activists are unleashing their wrath over reports that the Gaines family attends Antioch Community Church – a non-denominational mega-church.  Cosmopolitan recently had this shrieking headline – “Chip and Joanna Gaines’s Pastor Preaches ‘Homosexuality is a Sin.’ ”  A Buzzfeed headline stated – “Chip and Joanna Gaines’ Church is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage” … and added “Their pastor considers homosexuality to be a ‘sin’ caused by abuse – whether the Fixer Upper couple agrees is unclear.”  Cosmo reported – “Their pastor, Jimmy Seibert, is both staunchly against same-sex marriage and a strong believer that homosexuality is a ‘lifestyle’ choice and a ‘sin.’ ” … going on to say – “Given the diversity of Fixer Upper’s audience, this is a startling revelation that has left many wondering where Chip and Jo stand.”  Buzzfeed went so far as to investigate Pastor Seibert’s sermons – demonstrating that what is preached from the pulpit at Antioch Community Church is the same kind of message being preached in nearly every evangelical church in America … certainly from the pulpit in which I preach.

US Weekly quoted one viewer declaring – “As a Fixer Upper fan, I would love to know @joannagaines and @chippergaines’s thoughts on their pastor’s hateful, anti-LGBT beliefs.”  Another went further, writing – “If Chip and Joanna Gaines end up being anti-LGBT, I am cancelling my mag subscription and ignoring their show.”

An HGTV spokesperson told Todd Starnes of FoxNews in a statement, they “respect the privacy of our show hosts and will not comment on matters related to their personal lives.”

Starnes says this: “Here’s a truth bomb for Cosmo and Buzzfeed – It’s really none of your business where Chip and Joanna Gaines worship.  And for the record, where were their hysterical screeds when President Obama’s pastor was asking God to damn America? Anybody want to talk about those roosting chickens?”

If anybody is most likely to know what Chip and Joanna are going through it is David and Jason Benham.  The Benham Brothers, who run a very successful North Carolina real estate company, were fired from HGTV back in 2014 after a militant LGBT mob bullied the network into submission.  The brothers are well-known evangelical Christians – and are outspoken proponents of traditional marriage.  “We were actually filming our show the exact same time the Gaines were filming their first episode,” said David.  “We developed a great relationship.”  And the first telephone call the brothers received when they were given the heave-ho was from Chip.  “He called to support us – to say, ‘Guys, I’m in this with you, brother,” Jason said.  “The Gaines’ believe as we do – as millions as other Christians do – that marriage is between a man and a woman.”  “That’s not anti-anything,” Jason continued.  “That’s not hateful.  Chip and Joanna don’t hate anybody.  It’s ridiculous.”

The Benham Brothers said they especially feel bad for HGTV being pushed into another faux controversy.  “It’s a mafia,” David said referring to the militant activists.  “They are going to go after the Gaines family.  They are going to try and vilify them.  They are going to try and vilify their church and their pastor.  And if they can’t get anyone to bend or concede, they are going to start vilifying HGTV and going after their advertisers.”

It’s absolutely true that the Gaines family attends a church that believes marriage is between one man and one woman.  Should that disqualify them from having a television program on HGTV?  Do the militant LGBT activists want to create a ‘Black List’ – banning individuals who attend evangelical Christian churches from working in the industry?  Is that what they want?

It’s time for all freedom-loving Americans to rise up and stand with HGTV and the Gaines family.  To the militant LGBT mob, we must say — “Stand down!  Enough is enough!”

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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