Friday, December 9, 2016

Prepare to be ‘Set Free’ from PC

One thing the recent election reinforced is that ‘tolerance’ is the last thing progressives actually want.  Though tolerance, properly understood, is a wonderful virtue, the vitriol-laden media coverage, student demonstrations and other forms of protest against the incoming Trump Administration are ample evidence of the ‘intolerance’ of those crying the loudest for tolerance.

Donald Trump’s election as president, along with the Republicans’ capture of the majority of governorships, statehouses and both branches of Congress, has left progressives seething.  They cannot fathom why many fellow Americans still resist their call for a permanent secular revolution in values, economics and everyday language.

Having taken over the mainstream media, government run universities, the entertainment industry and even corporate boardrooms, the progressives figured their revolution was inevitable.  They dismiss opponents as being on “the wrong side of history.”

Deployed whenever a speed bump slows down their agenda, that phrase betrays the progressive movement’s Marxist roots.  Since the French Revolution, the Left has seen history as an ongoing dialectic (thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis) that is steadily evolving (like humanity itself, we’re told) toward a classless, property-free society … with them in charge, of course.  To get there, they have had to persuade their fellow citizens to adopt their rosy, futuristic view, or simply use brute force.

In America, with our long tradition of individualism, capitalism, vibrant religious faith and strong families, the Left has taken a third road: political correctness.  They’ve done this by commandeering the institutions that convey cultural values – including corporations – and use them to enforce the speaking of a new language that is always one step ahead of the mindset of the “deplorables” and irredeemables … especially those who cling to their guns and Bibles.

Let’s not forget what the progressive agenda has given us: government spending became “investing”; sex became “gender”; abortion became “choice”; patriotism became “white nationalism” or “xenophobia”; “gay” became an innate characteristic equal to other civil rights. 

At the university level, which is ‘ground zero’ for progressive nonsense, the fruits of many years of labor are ripening … perhaps over-ripening.  At various universities, student radicals are demanding a “sanctuary campus,” where they would be “safe” from campus police … whose members may have supported Mr. Trump since the Fraternal Order of Police endorsed him.  The students also accused the university of “structural Islamophobia,” and demanded placing more Palestinian students “to prevent their genocide at the hands of Israel.”  Oh, and they want a “place of sanctuary” for Muslim students and financial aid for illegal immigrants.

As Angelo M. Codevilla observes in “The Rise of Political Correctness” in the Fall 2016 edition of the Claremont Review of Books, “Progressive regimes demand that persons who express themselves in public (even in private) affirm any and all things that pertain to the regime’s identity lest they lose access to jobs or privileges, and be exposed to the shunning or ire of regime supporters – if not treated as criminals.”

This brings to mind Christian business owners who have been demonized and even prosecuted for not violating their beliefs against facilitating same-sex ceremonies or providing abortifacients.  Although many people are appalled, few dare to question this cultural fascism.  “Even totalitarian regimes can reward or punish only a few people at a time,” Prof. Codevilla notes.  “Tacit collaboration by millions who bite their lip is even more essential than lip service by thousands of favor seekers.”

Listen: Soon, silence won’t be enough.  In Orwell’s 1984, it was not sufficient for Big Brother to coerce Winston into compliance.  They “finished breaking his spirt by holding up four fingers and demanding that Winston acknowledge seeing five,” Prof. Codevilla writes.

Millions of Americans are being told to accept what they know to be false – or else.  But the good news is that eventually, peddlers of lies lose respect and are no longer trusted. Americans have become leery of whatever the mainstream media tells them.

The media and their Hollywood friends fully expected us to hand over the keys to the White House to the same bunch that has been radically transforming America.  When this didn’t happen, they threw a tantrum.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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