Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Many American Corporations Committed to Undermining Your Religious Liberty

Did you miss it?  On January 16th President Trump declared “Religious Freedom Day” in recognition of the 232nd anniversary of Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom.  The Virginia Statute, which was written by Thomas Jefferson, inspired the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution to affirm “the right to choose and exercise faith without government coercion or reprisal.”

President Trump proclaimed, “No American — whether a nun, nurse, baker, or business owner — should be forced to choose between the tenets of faith or adherence to the law.”

However, the radical left, enabled by its corporate allies, would force those nuns, nurses, bakers, and business owners to give up the tenets of their faith in order to advance the liberal agenda.  For evidence of the left’s goals, look no further than Jack Phillips’s case … currently awaiting a decision from the US Supreme Court.  As the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado, Phillips declined to create a custom cake for a same-sex wedding citing his belief in marriage between one man and one woman. For standing for his faith, he has faced persecution by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and stands to lose his entire livelihood.

Unfortunately, Phillips is not the only business owner to face the left’s wrath for refusing to affirm same-sex marriage.  FNC’s Jeremy Dys points to another recent case that bears marked similarities:
While the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether Jack Phillips and his Masterpiece Cakeshop were treated fairly, Aaron and Melissa Klein wonder what their future holds.  Not only has an Oregon bureaucrat penalized their small, family-owned bakery $135,000 for politely declining – on religious grounds – to create a custom cake that celebrated a same-sex marriage.  The government forced the closure of their bakery.  Since Oregon pronounced the Kleins pariahs, the community followed suit with streams of hate mail, online harassment laced with obscene epithets, and threats to their physical safety.”

When states like Georgia and North Carolina have attempted to enact protections for their citizens, big business has aligned with LGBT activists to develop misinformation campaigns and organize boycotts.  Furthermore, many of these corporations are direct funders of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), which is the leading advocacy organization for the LGBT agenda.  Not only did HRC effectively coordinate the left’s ultimately successful assault on traditional marriage, but this organization is also attempting to implement a nationwide sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) accommodation mandate.  The so-called “Equality Act” proposal would eliminate religious freedom protections for business owners on a national scale because it would grant special protection status for these groups and undermine the 1st Amendment.

Well, boycotts work two-ways.  Take your stand for religious liberty and traditional values.  Stop supporting these leftist-funding corporations with your business.  Click here to see which corporations directly fund HRC’s radical agenda

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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