Monday, January 8, 2018

Planned Transgenderhood

Abortion giant Planned Parenthood (PP) released its annual report over the New Year’s holiday weekend posting record-setting income numbers for its fiscal year that ended June 30, 2017.

PP reported performing over 320,000 abortions this one year, accounting for approximately 1/3 of all the abortions performed in the United States.  However, National Review’s Alexandra DeSanctis points out “one glimmer of positive news” is the number of abortions performed by PP decreased from the previous year … a result of the overall abortion rate continuing to drop across the country.

With fewer women seeking abortion, PP is apparently seeking to expand its business model.  However, this does not mean actually providing more healthcare services for women such as mammograms or prenatal care.  Instead, this year’s report highlights the organization’s new focus on providing transgender hormone therapy.  [17 states now have PP health centers that have hormone therapy.]

In other words, while masquerading as a “healthcare” provider for women, PP is apparently more invested in turning men into woman than expanding what are very critical women’s healthcare services.

The Washington Times reports “the nation’s largest abortion provider struggling to keep its doors open as fewer women undergo abortions and patients seek health care services elsewhere.”  Overall patient visits are down 20% from 2010; and the latest financial numbers indicate a 43% decrease in assets due to the closing of dozens of clinics across the country.

PP’s record-setting income is the result of a 19% increase in private contributions and bequests, including corporate donations, over the previous year.  Undoubtedly, the 2016 election cycle was a boon for PP’s fundraising efforts as the organization remains a major player in left-wing political engineering circles.

The big picture here illustrates the overall exploitative nature of PP’s work.  37% of PP’s income comes from “Government Health Services Reimbursements & Grants.”  A reimbursement of this nature is typically a Medicaid-type payment, something that happens at every qualified healthcare provider for every patient covered under the program. These services are covered at countless clinics that don’t serve as a front for an abortion business.

When patients seek these services elsewhere, abortion, the most expensive service offered, becomes more important to the bottom line, which DeSanctis believes is the underlying motivation for PP’s abortion quotas.

Keep in mind, the abortion industry has been linked to truly exploitative criminal activity such as sex trafficking.  Live Action’s undercover investigations have caught multiple PP employees turning a blind eye to potential victims who were brought to in get what would amount to a forced abortion.

Furthermore, the politicization of gender identity is exploitative in nature as well.  PP’s newest business initiative of providing sex-change therapy hormones essentially supports an agenda that is determined to mandate men be allowed to use women’s restroom facilities on the basis of how they feel, not their biological sex.  The left aims to enable predators in support of the LGBT agenda on this issue, despite the well-documented incidents that show these policies do in fact cause safety concerns.

All in all, PP works more to exploit women, provide abortions, help men become women, and less to provide actual healthcare services to women.  So why would any corporation partner with such an organization?  Clearly, with the reported 19% rise in donations this year, PP is depending on charity to keep its doors open.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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