Monday, October 16, 2017

The Dems Don’t Care

After every mass shooting, the Liberal-Left always invites us to join them in their insanity to participate in yet another circular argument about gun control.  Let’s be clear: It’s not because they care … for if they truly cared, they would think before they speak after tragedies.

Shortly after the Las Vegas shooting, now-fired CBS top legal executive, Hayley Geftman-Gold wrote, “I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun-toters.”

Atheist Richard Dawkins tweeted his sentiments, obviously mocking southerners: “Durn tootin’, great shootin’.  Cool dude sertin’ he’s 2nd Memdment rahts.  Hell yeah!”

CNN was true to form.  Senior White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny reminded everyone: “Something else, I think to keep in mind, a lot of these country music supporters are likely Trump supporters.”

If they really cared, Democrats would look in the mirror and stop pointing fingers.  It’s okay to be enraged that Stephen Paddock [the shooter] transformed semi-automatics into quasi-machine guns using a bump stock device; but it’s not okay to blame it on the Republicans.  Let’s remember, back in 2010 when Democrats controlled Washington, Obama’s ATF legalized the bump stocks the Las Vegas shooter used.

If Democrats cared, they would quit throwing National Rifle Association (NRA) daggers across the aisle.  After the Las Vegas shooting, Hillary Clinton (and many others) insinuated that GOP leaders are puppets of the NRA.  Their basis for that nonsense is that the NRA donated around $3.6-million to Congress members (on both sides of the aisle) – over a 20-year period.  Even if NRA donations were for GOP candidates alone, compare that to what Planned Parenthood (PP) affiliates spent for the 2016 election cycle alone.  The non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics reports PP spent $4,044,378 in contributions, $1,368,408 in lobbying and $15,041,417 in outside spending.  So, who is puppeteering whom?

During a recent Senate Floor speech, Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY-D) spoke for the dead in Las Vegas, suggesting if they could speak, they would tell President Trump to “do something” about the NRA … which is responsible for zero deaths.

While it’s common knowledge that dead people tend to vote for Democrats, I’m not sure if Schumer is the right spokesperson, given his party supports abortion … which is responsible for the almost 60-million pre-born baby deaths in the U.S. since the U.S. Supreme Court Roe v Wade (1973) decision legalizing abortion on demand.

If Democrats really cared about gun violence and deaths, they would find real solutions.  It’s clear that very restrictive gun laws have done little to curtail the gun violence in Chicago … where the Las Vegas death toll is just another month on the calendar.  The Chicago Tribune reports that in 2016, Chicago had 4,368 shootings.  The city also had 761 murders.  Where were Jimmy Kimmel’s tears for the 761 people murdered in Chicago last year?  Where’s the outcry from Democrats that 4,368 people were shot in 2016?  Those lives matter too.

If Democrats cared, they would stop pounding away on the Second Amendment with their proverbial sledgehammers after mass shootings.

Obviously, not everyone who lives in this nation appreciates that America was founded on Judeo-Christian values and is governed by the U.S. Constitution.  Chipping-away at it inch-by-inch brings us closer to the goal of breaching the foundation to make America fall.

Listen: Chip away Democrats, but the only thing certain to crumble is your ideology; based on a lie that you do what you do because you care.  Not!

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

1 comment:

  1. Thew heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked. Starting the the mid 60' the God is Dead movement began in some mainline churches and we've continued to allow God to be banned from the public square and in schools. The stats on mass shootings (4 or more people) parallel the secularization of society. 1900-1960 we had 22 mass shootings; 1960-2013 we've had 134. Coincidence? You be the judge. Ben Ferguson
