Monday, October 9, 2017

Time to Break the Blockade to Pro-Life Legislation

The U.S. Congress has an opportunity to provide further protection for preborn babies; but the legislation faces some major hurdles before it can get to the president’s desk for signing into law.

The U.S. House of Representatives has already taken the first step to putting the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36) on the desk of President Donald Trump.

Rob Chambers, Vice President of American Family Action (AFA), explains what it would accomplish for the preborn.  “This bill will instruct abortion providers to not provide any abortion or any type of abortion services on a child who is at 20-weeks old in gestation,” he tells OneNewsNow.

Although pro-abortion groups deny it, science proves the babies can feel excruciating pain as they are dismembered in the womb until they bleed to death.  “This should be something that Democrats, Republicans, and Independents should agree on,” says Chambers.  “Our culture, our country is vastly pro-life and it’s time for Congress to do something meaningful in terms of passing pro-life legislation.”

The simple majority in the House has sent the bill to the Senate where its fate is uncertain because it will require 60-votes just to consider it, then to pass it as well.  President Trump has already stated that he will sign it if it reaches his desk.

AFA is urging its supporters to contact members of the Senate to support passage.  It is expected that Democrats will filibuster the measure to prevent it from being voted on – and it is further suspected that many ‘establishment’ Republicans will continue to refuse to do away with the filibuster rule … saying they want to “hide behind the rule so they won’t have to make the hard vote and live up to the GOP pro-life platform.”

Although the filibuster rule is not in the U.S. Constitution, Democrats routinely use it block GOP sponsored legislation.  No doubt, the Republican leadership in the Senate will blame the Democrats for blocking the measure.  While that is technically true, what the GOP leadership refuses to admit is that they have the votes to set aside the 60-vote rule in favor of a simple majority vote.

But here’s how the political ‘swamp’ works: Republican representatives get credit for voting in favor of pro-life legislation.  Meanwhile, Republican senators blame their Democratic colleagues when the legislation finally fails.  

Listen: The time has long since come (and gone) to protect unborn babies.  If they don’t pass H.R. 36, it’s time to drain the swamp of Republicans who give but mere lip service to the GOP pro-life platform.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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