Friday, December 29, 2017

Exposing SPLC by Coalition of Christians & Conservatives

A coalition of Christians and conservatives is continuing its efforts to expose the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

The campaign is a collaborative effort by many Christian and conservative groups that have united to defeat what they call a common enemy.  The website is, which features an eight-minute video about the SPLC.

“It’s about their money, where they park their money [and] about the injustices that they commit,” explained organizer and attorney Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute.  Dacus contends that was once a valued organization fighting for the civil rights of minorities has become a group of political activists driven by money.  As a result, the legal expert maintains the SPLC has worked hard to create “new hate groups” in order to create new hatred, isolation and vilification.  “You can’t really raise money to fight a dragon that’s already been slain,” Dacus asserted.  “There has never been – in my recollection – ever such a great threat to our First Amendment and our constitutional freedoms by any other third-party organization than the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

People appearing in the video include: Alliance Defending Freedom’s (ADF) Michael Farris; Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver and Carol Swain – a political scientist and former professor who has been targeted by the SPLC; and American Family Association President Tim Wildmon.

“At the end of the video, there is a petition that allows people to sign that and to weigh in against the SPLC – and specifically to inform the media that we object to their usage of the SPLC as some kind of impartial, credible third-party civil rights organization,” Dacus continued.  “They are not.  They are the farthest thing from that.”  The petition also requests companies donating to SPLC to stop.

My friends: You must view this video and come to realize the battle that is being waged, and the tremendous loss in religious liberty … if SPLC continues to spew its lies.  The time is long since passed to shut down SPLC.

Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Beale, Jr.
Chaplain (Colonel-Ret), U.S. Army
Pastor, Ft. Snelling Memorial Chapel

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